To view a video, by Steve MacKay (SmartCookie Films) of our sanctuary - click on the
link below:-
Dundee is the only city in Britain lucky enough to
have an urban population of native Red Squirrels. However our Red Squirrels are under threat from their larger rivals,
the American Grey Squirrel which was introduced to Scotland from America in the late 1880's,
and is now causing the Red Squirrels' slow disappearance, making them an endangered species. The
native Red Squirrel population is under threat from the more aggressive American Grey, which is successfully competing for
habitat and food. The Greys debark mature trees, killing the tree. They are also able to digest fruit, buds and flowers whilst
they are still "green" and in the unripe state, which the Red Squirrel cannot do. This results in a shortage of
ripe and mature food later in the season when the Reds are able to feed. The final and possibly most serious influence the
American Grey has over its Red cousin is its immunity to the squirrelpox disease of which it is an immune carrier. Within
12 days of a Red coming into contact with a Grey carrying the virus - the Red will be dead.
in Muirhead, on the outskirts of Dundee (Scotland) in a small woodland enclave, we feed and care for the Reds
in their natural habitat.
are a husband and wife team who are committed to helping this endangered species keep a firm foothold in the North East of
Scotland. There are now only c.120,000 native Red Squirrels left in the UK, with an estimated 3,500,000 American Greys competing
for the same food and habitat.
Together with help from friends
and neighbours we help protect this endangered species by maintaining a relatively secure breeding area, providing sanctuary
from predating domestic pets and controlling other animal and environmental threats where possible.

Evidence of Red Squirrel feeding |

Snowy foot prints left by a Red Squirrel |

Location Map Showing OS Grid Ref. 334408 734252 Lic.# 00003500 |